Turning Your Car Into A Sonic Pod
About Me
Turning Your Car Into A Sonic Pod

They say no one likes a long commute, but I prove that saying wrong because I love my two hour commute. I used to struggle with motivation to get out the door in the morning after waking up. This ended up costing me a promotion because of too many late mornings. Installing some new speakers and a better sound system in my car completely changed my driving experience. Now that I can listen to all my favorite music during the drive, I jump out of bed and get going early or on time every day. Find out what you need to do to improve your commute with music.

Turning Your Car Into A Sonic Pod

  • Hearing Loss In Young Children Often Goes Undetected

    15 April 2015

    Hearing loss in children and infants can often go undetected until later in life, when the symptoms become more prevalent. Some of the more common symptoms of hearing loss in young children include unclear diction, the child continually asking you to repeat what you said, speaking loudly and needing a higher volume for radio and television. According to statistics, approximately 1 to 6 out of 1,000 newborns have congenital hearing loss, and this may be a low estimate, as some hearing loss will not be noticeable until the child is older.